Oh My God I'm a Therapist
Oh My God I'm a Therapist is a podcast for therapists, therapists in training, and people that go to therapy. If you have ever been curious about therapy, or the lives of therapists, this podcast is for you! Dr. Janys Murphy Rising is a doctorate-level counselor and licensed counselor in Washington state. Using their two decades of experience as both a therapist and professor, Janys explores common myths about going to therapy, knowing and caring for therapists in your life, and practices that help people to heal. Janys answers questions, explores topics relevant to therapy, and discusses current events that are relevant to mental health. Janys hopes you listen and learn ways that you can support the destigmatization of mental health. Visit www.janysmurphyrising.com for blog, podcast, and course updates, or on IG @dr.janys or @omgimatherapist-Theme song by Scott Holmes.This podcast is for education purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care or individualized mental health counseling. The ideas of this podcast are solely their own, and not meant to speak for the entire profession or other therapy professionals.
Oh My God I'm a Therapist
Episode 18: EMDR Journey Part One
Dr. Janys Murphy Rising
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, a popular and well-established trauma-informed practice. Dr. Janys takes you through her before, during, and after training experience as an EMDR-approved therapist. In this episode, they describe both their hope and skepticism and vows to practice discernment while being a student.
Content Warning- car accident
Music by Scott Holmes, Sound engineering David Murphy Rising